ADC - Airbus Ds Communications
ADC stands for Airbus Ds Communications
Here you will find, what does ADC stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Airbus Ds Communications? Airbus Ds Communications can be abbreviated as ADC What does ADC stand for? ADC stands for Airbus Ds Communications. What does Airbus Ds Communications mean?Airbus Ds Communications is an expansion of ADC
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Alternative definitions of ADC
- Agility Dog Of Canada
- Analog To Digital Converter
- Analog To Digital Converter
- Analog To Digital Converter
- Analog Digital Conversion
- Analog Digital Converter
- Analog To Digital Conversion
- Analogue To Digital Conversion
View 293 other definitions of ADC on the main acronym page
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- ABCPL Associated Broadcasting Co. Pvt Ltd
- AED Academy for Educational Development
- ASC Animal Supply Company
- AC The American College
- AVEMU AVE Maria University
- AMRI Armstrong Mantle Realty Inc.
- ABHS Aurora Behavioral Health System
- AGH Atlantic General Hospital
- AKD Auto Kinetic Distributors
- ARA Austin Radiological Association
- ACBJ American City Business Journals
- AIUSA Amnesty International USA
- ANC African National Congress
- ACOE American Council On Education
- AUSAI Areas USA Inc.